Programme 2024/2025

(P – Prints, D – Digital, AV – Audio Visual, Z - Zoom, S - Slides)
Click on underlined names to go to their website

All Tuesday evening meetings at St.Peter's are 7.30pm for a 7.45pm start (Zoom meetings 7.45pm start)


Tuesday 3rd President’s Evening. Our new president, Marcus Offinger, begins his year with his talk "Walk with me". (DP)
Tuesday 10th We welcome Yorkshire based Val Mather ARPS who will present her talk "Telling stories through photography". (DP)
Tuesday 17th We welcome back environmentalist and photographer Paul Hobson, an old friend of the club, with his latest talk "Wild Scandinavia". (DP)
Tuesday 24th Erica Oram will take us through the selected images for the 2023 London Salon Exhibition. (D)


Tuesday 1st We welcome Yorkshire based Leah Cole who will give us an insight into her travel and street photography called "Culturally sensitive travel photography" (DP)
Tuesday 8th Round 1 of this year’s Club Competition judged by Colin Lusby CPAGB from NEMPF. (DP)
Tuesday 15th We welcome John Elvin, from Harrogate, with his talk "Highway 61 revisited". Digital images from New Orleans to Chicago. (D)
Tuesday 22nd The first of our members' evenings: days out and holidays, projects and portfolios. (DP)
Tuesday 29th Tracey Lund QEP FBIPP FMPA ARPS DPAGB from Hull, will talk to us about "Her month in the Falklands". (DP)


Friday 1st to Sunday 10th “Perspectives 20” Our yearly Exhibition of members’ prints in the Sheffield Winter Garden.
Tuesday 5th We welcome Cherry Larcombe EFIAP ARPS DPAGB BPE5* from Eastbourne, with her talk on "Art Photography". (Z)
Tuesday 12th Round 2 of the Club Competition judged by Malcolm Sales QEP ABIPP ARPS from NEMPF. (DP)
Tuesday 19th The Sheffield round of our annual 3S’s Digital Competition between Sheffield, Shillington and Solihull Photographic Societies. Judged by Steve Myall EFIAP/b BPE5* from NEMPF. (D)
Tuesday 26th We welcome professional photographer Rachel Sinclair from Sheffield, who will present her talk "The magic of Kenya". (DP)


Tuesday 3rd Charity Lecture by international wildlife photographer Andy Skillen from London, who will present his talk "Tales from the bush". (DP)
Tuesday 10th We get into the festive spirit with an Xmas fun evening
Tuesday 17th, 24th & 31st *** CHRISTMAS BREAK ***


Tuesday 7th Underwater photographer Laura Storm will present her talk "Tales from the blue". (Z)
Tuesday 14th The Ken Doney Trophy. Six digital images on your chosen theme, judged by all present on a knock-out basis. (D)
Tuesday 21st Viewing of 2024 YPU Exhibition prints in groups. Led by Richard Hall LRPS CPAGB BPE3*. (P)
Note: Also handing in night for this year’s Annual Exhibition.
Tuesday 28th Our second members’ evening with Phil Smith, Richard Worth and John Scholey. (DP)


Tuesday 4th Adrian McGarry from North Wales, will present his talk "Creative smartphone photography". (Z)
Friday 7th The Keith Allchin Memorial Lecture
We are delighted to have Robert Millin MFIAP EFIAP/E3 FBPE MPSA GPU Zeus MPSA DPAGB from the Wigan 10 Club, to speak to us. His talk is called "Confessions of a Competition Addict". (DP)
Saturday 8th Judging of the Annual Exhibition at St Peter’s Church Hall, 9:30am to 1pm, followed by a pub lunch. Judged by Robert Millin MFIAP EFIAP/E3 FBPE MPSA GPU Zeus MPSA DPAGB. (P)
Tuesday 11th Round 3 of this year’s Club Competition, judged by Alan Young EFIAP/d3 FRPS ABPE DPAGB EPSA MS.CPE from NEMPF. This year the 3rd round is DPI only. (DP)
Tuesday 18th We welcome Michael Poole ARPS from Chesterfield, with his talk "If it moves, shoot it". (DP)
Tuesday 25th Members are invited to talk about their favourite images - either their own or from the world of photography. (DP)

MARCH 2025

Tuesday 4th Peter Jones ARPS DPAGB BPE3* and Susan Wilson DPAGB from NEMPF will present their talk "Wildlife in cold places". (D)
Tuesday 11th President's theme night "Home and Away". (DP)
Friday 14th Inter Club Knockout Competition. Invited clubs show their best digital images. Judged by Jonathan Vaines AFIAP LRPS CPAGB. Starting at 6:30 pm. (Z)
Tuesday 18th John Jolliffe CPAGB AFIAP BPE1* from Barnsley, will talk about aerial and drone photography called "A Birdseye View". (D)
Tuesday 25th A return visit from Roy Packer DPAGB from Doncaster CC, who will present his talk "Wild Things". (DP)
Friday March 28th to Sunday April 6th The Annual Exhibition of members’ prints in Sheffield Cathedral.

APRIL 2025

Tuesday 1st The final round of this year's Club Competition judged by Phil Peat CPAGB BPE2* from NEMPF. (DP)
Tuesday 8th Our final members' evening with a focus on images taken on members' smart phones. (D)
Tuesday 15th Multi award winning photographer Ruth Grindrod from Norfolk, will present her talk "Amazing Landscapes" about Iceland and Patagonia. (Z)
Tuesday 22nd *** EASTER BREAK ***
Tuesday 29th "The AV Show" Our own AV Group come into the spotlight for their annual presentation of audio-visual sequences. (D)

MAY 2025

Tuesday 6th Presidents' Choice. Details to follow.
Tuesday 13th Annual General Meeting. In addition to the formal business of the AGM, Society Awards will be presented this evening, including trophies and certificates for the winning entries in the Annual Exhibition and Club Competitions. We will also be able to see the season's successful prints. (DP)

A programme of summer walks and other events will be arranged. Details will be on the Outings page. All members welcome.