Summer Outings Programme 2024

Tuesday evening outings

All outings will gather at 7pm.
    Tuesday 21st May - Sheffield City Centre.
    Meet at the steps outside Sheffield City Hall.
    Tuesday 28th May - Portrait evening
    This evening is fully booked.
    Tuesday 4th of June - Street Fashion Shoot with Darcie-Louise and Xenia.
    Meet at the Diamond Building, Leavygreave Rd entrance, near the statue of Allen the Falcon. Cost will be £10 per head.
    Tuesday 18th June - Eyam village
    Meet outside the church.
    Tuesday 2nd July - Sheffield Quays
    Meet on the quays by the Dorothy Pax pub.
    Tuesday 9th July - Wentworth village
    Meet outside the Rockingham Arms.

Weekend visits

    Sunday 19th May - Whinfell Quarry Gardens.
    Meet at 11am by the steps next to the quarry information sign.
During the course of the next few months members may come up with information about 'open days', re-enactments, special events etc. which may well be of photographic interest to members. Watch this website and the forum for announcements.