Programme 2023/2024

(P – Prints, D – Digital, AV – Audio Visual, Z - Zoom, S - Slides)
Click on underlined names to go to their website
All Tuesday evening meetings at St.Peter's are 7.30pm for a 7.45pm start (Zoom meetings 7.45pm start)
Tuesday 5th | President’s Evening. Our new president, Mark Tomlinson, begins his year with a talk called “From there to here, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the camera”. (DP) | |
Tuesday 12th | We welcome documentary photographer John Bolloton, from Bradford, whose talk is called “Margins”, showing images of groups at the margin of society. (DP) | |
Tuesday 19th | A return visit from club friend Steve Race who will present his talk “Wildlife of India”. (DP) | |
Tuesday 26th | The first of our members’ evenings: days out and holidays, projects and portfolios. (DP) |
OCTOBER 2023 |
Tuesday 3rd | We welcome back David Keep FRPS MPAGB FBPE EFIAP who will share his approach to sports photography. (DP) | |
Tuesday 10th | Round 1 of this year’s Print Competition judged by Martin Litchfield CPAGB.(DP) | |
Tuesday 17th | Richard Hall LRPS CPAGB BPE3* will present images from his recent visits to Costa Rica and New York. (DP) | |
Tuesday 24th | A return visit from Bradford documentary photographer Ian Beesley, who will show his latest projects. (DP) | |
Tuesday 31st | Tracey Lund QEP FBIPP FMPA ARPS DPAGB from Hull, will show us Part Two of her international award winning wildlife images. (DP) | |
Monday 3rd to Sunday 12th | “Perspectives 19” Our yearly Exhibition of members’ prints in the Sheffield Winter Garden. | |
Tuesday 7th | President’s theme night “Behind the curtain”. (DP) | |
Tuesday 14th | Round 2 of the Print Competition judged by Grahame Gage from Leeds. (DP) | |
Tuesday 21st | The Sheffield round of our annual 3S’s Digital Competition between Sheffield, Shillington and Solihull Photographic Societies. Judged by Richard Spurdens EFIAP/p DPAGB BPE4* from Bradford. (D) | |
Tuesday 28th | Professional photographer Emma Finch, from Manchester, will present her talk “Portraits with Impact”. (Z) |
Tuesday 5th | We get in the festive spirit with a Christmas fun evening. (D) | |
Thursday 7th | Christmas Dinner at Sheffield College | |
Tuesday 12th, 19th & 26th | *** CHRISTMAS BREAK *** | |
JANUARY 2024 |
Tuesday 2nd | Shared evening arranged by Norwich CC. Mieke Boynton, speaking from Australia, will present her talk "Landscapes of the Victoria Alpine Region". (Z) | |
Tuesday 9th | The Ken Doney Trophy. Six digital images on your chosen theme, judged by all present on a knock-out basis. (D) | |
Tuesday 16th | Viewing of 2023 YPU Exhibition prints in groups. Led by Richard Hall LRPS CPAGB BPE3*. (P) Note: Also handing in night for this year’s Annual Exhibition. |
Tuesday 23rd | Our second members’ evening with Erica Oram CPAGB AFIAP BPE3* and Jim Charlton. (DP) | |
Tuesday 30th | We welcome back Chris Ceaser, from York, who will speak to us on “Composition in Landscape Photography”. (DP) |
Tuesday 6th | Round 3 of this year’s Print Competition, judged by Peter Wells ARPS CPAGB BPE3* EFIAPDP from Wakefield. (DP) | |
Friday 9th | The Keith Allchin Memorial Lecture We are delighted to have Jonathan Vaines AFIAP LRPS CPAGB, from Bedford, who will present his talk called ”The Little Print Show”. (DP) |
Saturday 10th | Judging of the Annual Exhibition at St Peter’s Church Hall, 9:30am to 1pm, followed by a pub lunch. Judged by Jonathan Vaines AFIAP LRPS CPAGB. (P) | |
Tuesday 13th | David Sadler ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/G BPE4* LBIPP, from Dundee PS, will present his wide ranging talk “And now for something completely different”. (DP) | |
Tuesday 20th | Members are invited to talk about their favourite images – either their own or from the world of photography. (DP) | |
Tuesday 27th | A talk by Peter Benson FRPS MCrGP AWPF CPAGB BPE3* called “Photography on the Dark Side - the Gateway to Urban Nightscape Photography.” Shared with Norwich CC. (Z) |
MARCH 2024 |
Tuesday 5th | Our final members’ evening with Richard Hall LRPS CPAGB BPE3* and John Ferretti. (DP) | |
Tuesday 12th | We welcome Robert Helliwell ARPS, form York, with his talk “My journey from LRPS to ARPS and beyond”. (DP) | |
Saturday 16th | Inter Club Knockout Competition. Invited clubs show their best digital images. Judged by Carol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP BPE4* CPAGB. (D) | |
Tuesday 19th | Justin Garner, from New Mills, will present his talk entitled “Macro Photography”. (DP) | |
Tuesday 26th | The final round of this year’s print competition, judged by Sue Wilson DPAGB BPE3* from Newark. (DP) |
APRIL 2024 |
Tuesday 2nd | *** EASTER BREAK *** | |
Friday 5th to Sunday 14th | The Annual Exhibition of members’ prints in Sheffield Cathedral. | |
Tuesday 9th | Mike Martin EFIAP AWPF BPE1*, from Bristol, will present his talk “Stairway to Heaven” focussing on steps, stairs and escalators. (Z) | |
Tuesday 16th | “The AV Show” Our own AV Group come into the spotlight for their annual presentation of audio-visual sequences. (AV) | |
Tuesday 23rd | Ged Hall ARPS MPAGB EFIAP BPE5*, from Worksop, will present a traditional slide show entitled “Lesbos in Spring”. (S) | |
Tuesday 30th | Presidents’ Choice. Exact format to be decided. (D) | |
MAY 2024 |
Tuesday 7th | Annual General Meeting. In addition to the formal business of the AGM, Society Awards will be presented this evening, including trophies and certificates for the winning entries in the Annual Exhibition and Club Competitions. We will also be able to see the season's successful prints. (DP) |
A programme of summer walks and other events will be arranged. Details will be on the Outings page. All members welcome.