Programme 2020/2021

(P – Prints, D – Digital, AV – Audio Visual, Z - via Zoom)
All Tuesday evening meetings at St.Peter's are 7.40pm for a 7.50pm start (Zoom meetings 7.45pm start)
Visitors wishing to join an online meeting via Zoom please contact John Gorman by email:
(Please make applications at least 4 days before the meeting date.)
Links to judges'/lecturers' web pages appear in red with an underline
SEPTEMBER 2020 | ||
01/09/20 | Our new President, Richard Hall, begins his year with a talk called “From Starting to Judging”. (DZ) | |
08/09/20 | We start the year’s talks by welcoming Helen Murray, professional photographer based in London, who will talk about her work as a theatre photographer.(DZ) | |
15/09/20 | Club theme night. Part 1 is entitled “Lockdown Photography.” Part 2 is called “On the Move.” (DZ) | |
22/09/20 | Professional photographer Ashley Franklin ARPS APAGB ABPPA, from Derby, will introduce Part 1 of his lectures on the Wider World of Photography. Part 2 will follow later in the year.(DZ) | |
24/09/20 | Council meeting | |
29/09/20 | Members’ Competition - Round 1 PDI entries only. Judged by Brian Crossland LRPS from Barnsley.(DZ) | |
OCTOBER 2020 | ||
06/10/20 | We welcome Vincent Scothern DPAGB BPE5 AFIAP PPSA, from Beeston Camera Club, who will show us sports images plus his DPAGB landscape and nature work. (DZ) | |
13/10/20 | International award winning photographers Sharon Sawyer CPAGB and Tim Sawyer ARPS CPAGB EFIAP from Ilkley Camera Club will show us a range of their landscape and creative images. (DZ) | |
20/10/20 | Thomas Peck will present his talk “What is a Portrait?” in which he will explore the history of photographic portraiture from Victorian beginnings to modern selfie culture. (DZ) | |
27/10/20 | The first of this season’s Members’ Evenings. Three of our members John Ferretti, Eddie Sherwood and Steve Dorey will entertain us with a varied selection of images (DZ) | |
NOVEMBER 2020 | ||
03/11/20 | Members’ Competition - Round 2 PDI entries only.Judged by Steven Roper APAGB CPAGB from Nottingham (DZ) | |
10/11/20 | Freelance photographer Astrid McGechan, from Surrey, will present her lecture “Feel the land – Photography and Emotion” in which she describes how she tries to capture her emotions of the moment in a photograph. (DZ) | |
12/11/20 | Council meeting | |
16/11/20 | 'Perspectives 16' Exhibition. Our yearly Exhibition of members' images will be shown online from today | |
17/11/20 | Renowned sports photographer Peter Milsom EFIAP/Gold DPAGB BPE4* will entertain us with his images from major sporting events. (DZ) | |
24/11/20 | The Sheffield round of our annual 3S’s Digital Competition between Sheffield, Shillington and Solihull Photographic Societies. Judged by David Gibbins ARPS APAGB EFIAP/b BPE5 CPAGB A/V (DZ) | |
DECEMBER 2020 | ||
01/12/20 | Our second Members’ Evening when Anne Turner, Elizabeth Uruchurtu and David Atkinson will show their work. (DZ) | |
08/12/20 | We get in the festive spirit by having an Xmas Fun Evening – quiz questions and other photo based activities. (DZ) | |
JANUARY 2020 | ||
05/01/21 | The Ken Doney Trophy. Six digital images on your chosen theme, judged by all present on a knockout basis. (DZ) | |
12/01/21 | We welcome Alfreda Reynolds from Sheffield who will show us her monochrome and infra-red images. (DZ) | |
19/01/21 | Professional landscape photographer, Julian Elliot, based in France, will talk to about his trip to Mongolia from the Steppe region to the eagle hunters in the West. (DZ) | |
21/01/21 | Council meeting | |
26/01/21 | Multi award winning photographer Andrea Hargreaves EFIAP/b MPAGB PSA4 BPE3* will show us how she constructs her altered reality images, called “The Art of Metamorphosis”. Andrea is sponsored by Paper Spectrum. (DZ) | |
FEBRUARY 2020 | ||
02/02/21 | Members’ Print Competition - Round 3 PDI entries only. Judged by Howard Tate MA (Photo) ARPS APAGB AFIAP (DZ) | |
Friday 05/02/21 7.45pm | The PRADIP KUMAR SARKAR Memorial Lecture We are fortunate to have two international award winning photographers for the judges' lecture: Colin Westgate FRPS MFPA will present his talk "The Expressive Landscape" work followed by Chrissie Westgate FRPS who will present her images of the people of India, called "Mixed Blessings". They are both Fotospeed sponsored photographers. (DZ) |
Saturday 06/02/21 10.30am | Presentation of images selected for the Annual Exhibition by Colin and Chrissie Westgate.(DZ) | |
09/02/21 | Simon Wright, from GB Dancestars, will entertain us with his unusual images from the worlds of dance, gymnastics and swimming (DZ) | |
16/02/21 | “8 for 10”. This popular evening gives us the chance to see the work of 8 of our members who will each show pictures for 10 minutes. (DZ) | |
23/02/21 | Our final Members’ Evening this season features Jim Charlton and Dean Symonds. (DZ) | |
MARCH 2021 | ||
02/03/21 | We welcome wildlife photographer Alison Jenkins ARPS who will speak about "Arctic Foxes of Iceland & UK Winter Wildlife". (DZ) | |
04/03/21 | Council meeting | |
09/03/21 | Members’ Print Competition - Round 4 PDI entries only. Judged by Gary Langley DPAGB from Nottingham. (DZ) | |
Friday 12/03/21 | The Annual Exhibition will be online from today | |
16/03/21 | We welcome Sean Conboy FRPS FBIPP, from the Fylde, who will give us an insight to world of a professional interior and architectural photographer. (DP) | |
Saturday 20/03/21 7.00pm | Inter Club Digital Knockout Competition. Invited clubs from across the region compete against each other in this annual contest. Judged by Nick Hilton DPAGB EFIAP BPE5 from Leyland. (DZ) | |
23/03/21 | Professional photographer, Elly Lucas, from Sheffield, will talk to us about the creative processes behind her portrait and album cover work. (DP) | |
30/03/21 | Tony North BPE3 CPAGB, from Manchester, will present his talk on Macro Photography (DZ) | |
APRIL 2021 | ||
13/04/21 | The return of Ashley Franklin ARPS APAGB ABPPA for Part 2 of his talk The Wider World of Photography. (DZ) | |
15/04/21 | Council meeting | |
20/04/21 | International photographer,James Kerwin , will present his talk “Abandoned Architecture” looking at derelict buildings and locations across the UK and Europe. | |
27/04/21 | Presidents’ Choice A new format digital competition judged by our President, Past President and President Elect. Rules will be circulated well before the date. (DZ) | |
MAY 2021 | ||
04/05/21 | Annual General Meeting. In addition to the formal business of the AGM, Society Awards will be presented this evening, including trophies and certificates for the winning entries in the Annual Exhibition and Club Competitions. We will also be able to see the year’s successful prints. (DZ) | |
A programme of summer walks and other events will be arranged. Details will be on the Outings page. All members welcome. |