Programme 2019/2020

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(P – Prints, D – Digital, AV – Audio Visual)
All Tuesday evening meetings start at 7.55pm prompt

Links to judges'/lecturers' web pages appear in red

03/09/19 President's Evening. Our President, Gareth Morgan, starts the new season with "A Shared Heritage". (D)
10/09/19 Acclaimed sports photographer Drew Smith kicks off our visiting speakers this season with some of his award winning images. (D)
17/09/19 Summer Outings and Theme. It’s half an evening each again for these two favourites. We will show our images from the summer outings in the first half and in the second half our theme is “Heritage”. (D)
24/09/19 We welcome back a former member of SPS Stephen Elliott who will show his stunning landscapes of the Peak District. (D)
26/09/19 Council meeting
01/10/19 Members’ Print Competition - Round 1. Judged by Peter Yeo FRPS DPAGB APAGB. (P)
08/10/19 Award winning artist and photographer Ian Beesley HonFRPS DipAD HonDA(Bradford) pays us a return visit with his talk “The Big Big Camera & Other Stories”.(D)
15/10/19 Well known street photographer Dave Mason is on a farewell tour of camera clubs so we’ve asked him to visit us again. Dave is a member of Arena and Mirage Photography Groups. (D)
22/10/19 The first of this season’s Members’ Evenings. Two of our members, Peter Matthews and Sue Richardson, will entertain us with a varied selection of images.(DP)
29/10/19 Our own Colin New shows us his latest work in “The Outer Hebrides-From Barra to Lewis”. Colin is a Fotospeed Photographer.(D)
05/11/19 Members’ Print Competition - Round 2. Judged by Peter Wells LRPS CPAGB BPE3* AFIAP of Wakefield Camera Club. (P)
12/11/19 We welcome Sheffield-based photographer Pandora Maund who will tell us about her photography and what inspires her. Pandora runs workshops for Going Digital Photography.(D)
Monday 18/11/19 to
Sunday 01/12/19
November 'Perspectives 15' Exhibition. Our yearly Exhibition of members' prints in the Sheffield Winter Garden. (P)
19/11/19 The current Yorkshire Photographic Union President Colin Williams CPAGB EFIAP from Cookridge Camera Club shows us his own work and will also update us on the activities of the YPU.(D)
21/11/19 Council meeting
26/11/19 The Sheffield round of our annual 3S’s Digital Competition between Sheffield, Shillington and Solihull Photographic Societies. Judged by Sue Wilson DPAGB of Clay Cross Photographic Society. (D)
03/12/19 Our second Members’ Evening when John Scholey and David Greenwood will show their work.(DP)
10/12/19 We get in the festive spirit by playing “Match a Picture” a fun digital game where three teams attempt to match images by imaginative links. (D)
07/01/20 The Ken Doney Trophy. Six digital images on your chosen theme, judged by all present on a knockout basis. (D)
14/01/20 Royston Packer DPAGB AWPF LSINWP of Doncaster Camera Club takes us on a “Journey Through India”.(DP)
N.B. Handing in night for this Season’s Annual Exhibition
16/01/20 Council meeting
21/01/20 Sheffield wildlife photographer Paul Hobson will show images from his recent projects. Paul is a tour leader for Natures Images. (D)
28/01/20 Colin New provides a commentary and interprets the accepted images from the 2019 London Salon Exhibition. (D)
04/02/20 Members’ Print Competition - Round 3 Judged by Martin Litchfield CPAGB. (P)
07/02/20 Our Annual Exhibition judge Marilyn Roberts DPAGB BPE3* of Positive Image Camera Club gives us her talk “What Judges Look For – How to Reduce Judges’ Criticisms”. One not to be missed! (DP)
08/02/20 Judging of the Annual Exhibition at St Peter's Church Hall, 9:30am to 1pm, followed by a pub lunch.
11/02/20 Professional landscape photographer Ian Daisley of High Stone Gallery tells us of “Croatia’s Cascading Lakes” with a photographic insight into this lovely area. (DP)
18/02/20 “8 for 10”. This popular evening gives us the chance to see the work of 8 of our members who will each show pictures for 10 minutes. (DP)
20/02/20 Council meeting
25/02/20 Our final Members’ Evening this season features Frank Milner and Liz Pickering.(DP)
MARCH 2020
03/03/20 David Keep ARPS DPAGB ABPE takes us into uncharted waters with his presentation “Underwater Photography 1”. (D)
10/03/20 Members’ Print Competition - Round 4 Judged by Sue Hartley CPAGB of Nottingham & Notts Photographic Society.(P)
Multi award winning artist and photographer Andrea Hargreaves EFIAP/b MPAGB PSA4 BPE3* of F4 Photographic Group will show how she constructs her altered reality images in her presentation “The Art of Metamorphosis”. Andrea is sponsored by Paper Spectrum.(D)
“The AV Show”. Our own AV Group come into the spotlight for their annual presentation of Audio Visual sequences. Always an enjoyable evening. (AV)
Friday 20/03/20 to
Sunday 29/03/20

Annual Exhibition at Sheffield Cathedral
Inter Club Digital Knockout Competition at St Luke’s Church, Lodge Moor, 6.45pm for a 7:00pm start. Invited clubs show their best digital images. Always an enjoyable evening and not to be missed. Judged by the President of the PAGB Howard Tate MA(Phot) ARPS AFIAP APAGB. (D)
Tuesday 24th Derbyshire based acclaimed nature, travel and adventure photographer John Beatty will present “Adventures In The Wild”. (DAV)
APRIL 2020
Council meeting
Professional photographer Mark Gilligan FBIPP LRPS of Wast Water Photography will show his stunning landscape images in “Same View - Different Perspective”. (D)
Brian Law CPAGB ARPS of Macclesfield Camera Club passes on his hints and tips in “Realising Your Photographic Potential”. (D)
Presidents’ Choice. Our President, Past President and President Elect show their personal selection from the prints not selected for the Annual Exhibition.
MAY 2020
Annual General Meeting. In addition to the formal business of the AGM, Society Awards will be presented this evening, including trophies and certificates for the winning entries in the Annual Exhibition and Club Competitions. We will also be able to see the year’s successful prints. (P D)
A programme of summer walks and other events will be arranged. Details will be on the Outings page. All members welcome.