Programme 2016/2017

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(S – Slides, P – Prints, D – Digital, AV – Audio Visual)
All Tuesday evening meetings start at 7.55pm prompt
SEPTEMBER 2016 | ||
06/09/16 | President's Evening. Our President, Anne Turner, starts the new season with 'Rubies are Red'. (D) | |
13/09/16 | One of Scotland's finest photographers Rod Wheelans AMPA FIPF FRPS MFIAP, opens the lecture season with 'Holiday snaps'. Rod is sponsored by Permajet (P) |
15/09/16 | Council meeting | |
20/09/16 | Summer Outings. A showcase of images from the summer programme (D) | |
27/09/16 | Landscape photographer Tom Dodd FRPS from Blaenau Ffestiniog shows his stunning black and white images in 'More than Mountains'. Tom is sponsored by Permajet (PD) | |
OCTOBER 2016 | ||
04/10/16 | Professional photographer Hilary Shedel and 'The stories behind the pictures: Dance and Movement Photography in the world of Advertising'. An insight into the world of commercial photography. (P) | |
11/10/16 | 11th Members' Competition Prints - Round 1. Judged by Dave Hollingworth CPAGB from Newark. (P) | |
13/10/16 | AV Group meeting | |
18/10/16 | The first Members' Night of the year. Two of our members, Jim Charlton and Rebecca Nex will entertain us with a varied selection of images. (PD) | |
25/10/16 | Sheffield member Colin New shows us 'Namibian Journey' and 'Hidden Mothers'. Colin is sponsored by Fotospeed. (PD) | |
27/10/16 | Council meeting | |
31/10/16 to 13/11/16 |
November 'Perspectives 2016' Exhibition. To be held in the Sheffield Winter Garden. (P) | |
NOVEMBER 2016 | ||
01/11/16 | Photography on a theme. Club members each show three images produced on the theme of 'Curves'. (D) | |
08/11/16 | We will be replacing this with a presentation on India by Linda Jackson and viewing the 2015 Yorkshire Salon entries with an input by Erica Oram on the travel photography section for which she was a judge. |
10/11/16 | AV Group meeting | |
15/11/16 | 3Ss' Digital Competition between Sheffield, Shillington and Solihull Photographic Societies. Judged by Dave Goodier from Barnsley. (D) | |
22/11/16 | Dave Eagle takes us into deep space with his lecture on Astrophotography, this will include practical guidance on how to produce the images seen in the talk. (D) | |
29/11/16 | Members' Competition Prints - Round 2. Judged by Paul Bullock ARPS from Ripon. (P) | |
DECEMBER 2016 | ||
06/12/16 | Les Forrester BA Hons Phot ARPS AFIAP DPAGB BPE3 from Wakefield presents 'A Genre Too Far'. An evening of photography that brings together Les' subjects and vision for photography. (D) | |
08/12/16 | AV Group meeting | |
13/12/16 | We all play "Match a Picture", a fun digital game, where images are matched by tenuous links. (D) | |
20/12/16 | CHRISTMAS BREAK | |
JANUARY 2017 | ||
10/01/17 | Colin New provides a commentary on the accepted images from the 2016 London Salon exhibition. (D) | |
12/01/17 | AV Group meeting | |
17/01/17 | The Ken Doney Trophy. Six digital images on your chosen theme, judged by all present. (D) | |
19/01/17 | Council meeting | |
24/01/17 | AV Show. SPS's own AV Group shows a full evening of audio visual presentations. (AV) | |
31/01/17 | Members' Competition Print Round 3. Judged by Peter Yeo FRPS DPAGB APAGB from Gainsborough. (P) | |
FEBRUARY 2017 | ||
02/02/17 | Terry Irons will present an Introduction to Lightroom. Venue - Small Hall at Greenhill Methodist Church, 7.30pm | |
07/02/17 | 8 Pictures in 10 Minutes. This popular evening gives us the chance to see the work of 8 of our members. (PD) | |
09/02/17 | AV Group meeting | |
14/02/17 | It's all about dogs with Steve Magemnis ARPS who specialises in taking pictures of our canine friends. | |
16/02/17 | Terry Irons will present an evening on using Nik filters. Venue - Large Hall at Greenhill Methodist Church, 7.30pm | |
21/02/17 | Two of our members, Janet Thorpe and Tim Swetnam, entertain us. (PD) | |
23/02/17 | Council meeting | |
28/02/17 | A return visit from Adrian Lines MPAGB FBPE EFIAP ARPS this time to show us his latest creative work. (D) | |
MARCH 2017 | ||
07/03/17 | Stuart Crump ARPS DPAGB EFIAP will show us his work with the lecture 'Long Exposures'. (D) | |
09/03/17 | AV Group meeting | |
10/03/17 | Annual Exhibition Judge at Greenhill Methodist Church, 8pm for 8:15pm. Our annual exhibition judge, John Chamberlin FRPS APAGB MFIAP, presents the yearly exhibition lecture 'Near and Far'. (D) | |
11/03/17 | Judging of the Annual Exhibition at Greenhill Methodist Church Hall, 9:30am to 1pm followed by a pub lunch. (P) | |
14/03/17 | Members' Competition Prints - Round 4. Judged by Keith Brown FRPS MPAGB APAGB EFIAP from Hope. (P) | |
21/03/17 | Accomplished and well travelled nature photographer Paul Hobson from Sheffield will show us his latest work. (D) | |
25/03/17 | Inter Club Digital Knockout Competition at St Luke's Church 7:15pm for 7:30pm. Invited clubs show their best digital images. Judged by Peter W Cheetham Hon PAGB from Burton upon Trent. (D) | |
28/03/17 | Members' Night. Two of our members, Mike and Judy Smith LRPS DPAGB BPE3*, entertain us. (PD) | |
APRIL 2017 | ||
04/04/17 | 'Your Turn' an interactive evening with Notts' photographer Ian Pinn, who will lead a discussion on various aspect of image presentation. (P) | |
06/04/17 | Council meeting | |
11/04/17 | A welcome return to Diane Seddon LRPS CPAGB, from Louth who will present a practical evening/lecture on light painting. (D) | |
18/04/17 | EASTER BREAK | |
20/04/17 | AV Group meeting | |
21/04/17 to 30/04/17 |
Annual Exhibition at Sheffield Cathedral | |
25/04/17 | Our President, Past President and President Elect show a selection of prints that were not selected for the annual exhibition. (P) | |
MAY 2017 | ||
02/05/17 | Annual General Meeting. In addition to the formal business of the AGM, Society Awards will be presented this evening, including trophies and certificates for the winning entries in the Annual Exhibition and Club Competitions. We will also be able to see the year's successful prints. | |
A programme of summer walks and other events will be arranged. Details will be on the Outings page. All members welcome. |