Programme for 2014 to 2015 ARCHIVE

(S – Slides, P – Prints, D – Digital, AV – Audio Visual)

All Tuesday evening meetings start at 7.55pm prompt


Tuesday 9th President's Evening. Our President, Mike Smith, starts the new season with his talk "A Loiner in Sheffield".(AV D)
Tuesday 16th Nature photographer Mike Lane FRPS will present his lecture "A Digital Lane", which demonstrates his renowned approach to wildlife photography. (D)
Tuesday 23rd A showcase of images from the summer programme (D)
Tuesday 30th SPS member Colin New presents "Burma, a Land Emerging from the Shadows". (P D)


Tuesday 7th Members' Competition Prints - Round 1. Judged by Peter Jones ARPS DPAGB from Newark. (P) Guidance
Tuesday 14th Local photographer Barry Payling with his lecture, "Wild Britain". Barry uses medium format film cameras and will present his images from 2 1/4" slides. (S)
Tuesday 21st Sheffield Photographer Dav Thomas shows his collection of urban images gathered from around the city. (P D)
Tuesday 28th A visit from Graham Heywood EFIAP/p FBPE with his lecture "Imaginations", which will provide a little something for everyone including a touch of AV. (D)


Tuesday 4th 3Ss' Digital Competition between Sheffield, Shillington and Solihull Photographic Societies. Judged by Graham Johnston ARPS from Macclesfield. (D)
Tuesday 11th Members' Night. Two of our members, Chris Perry and Jim Charlton, entertain us with a varied selection of images. (P D)
Monday 17th to
Sunday 23rd
"Perspectives 10" Exhibition to be held in the Sheffield Winter Garden.
Tuesday 18th Sports photographer Steve Bond from Derbyshire presents "The Life and Times of a Freelance Sports Photographer", an 'insider's' view of professional sports photography. (D)
Thursday 20th 150th Anniversary Dinner at Baldwins Omega, Psalter Lane, Sheffield.
Monday 24th to
Sunday 30th
'150th Anniversary' Exhibition. To be held in the Sheffield Winter Garden. (P)
Tuesday 25th Members' Competition Prints - Round 2. Judged by David Gibbins ARPS APAGB EFIAP BPE4* from Nottingham. (P)


Tuesday 2nd Sesquicentennial Evening. A celebration of our 150th anniversary led by President Mike Smith.(AV D)
Tuesday 9th We all play "Match a Picture" a fun new digital game where images are matched by tenuous links (D)
C H R I S T M A S  B R E A K


Tuesday 6th The Ken Doney Trophy. Six digital images on your chosen theme, judged by all present.
Tuesday 13th 8 Pictures in 10 Minutes. This popular evening gives us the chance to see the work of 8 of our members (P D)
Thursday 13th Council meeting -Greenhill Methodist Church
Tuesday 20th Sheffield photographer and AP columnist Tony Kemplen presents his lecture, 52 Cameras in 52 Weeks.
Tuesday 27th Members' Night. Peter Mason will speak about the Wigfull Slides and we also have a ' A Show from the AV Group'. (S AV)
Thursday 29th Using Lightroom - Greenhill Methodist Church, Small Hall


Tuesday 3rd Members' Competition Prints - Round 3. Judged by Bill Hall DPAGB AFIAP ABPE from Sutton in Ashfield. (P)
Tuesday 10th Sheffield PS member and leading judge and lecturer, Erica Oram CPAGB BPE2*, leads a discussion evening on the process of applying for PAGB distinctions, including looking at images from successful applications.(D)
Last Day for handing in Annual Exhibition Entries.
Thursday 12th AV Group - Greenhill Methodist Church, Small Hall
Tuesday 17th London Salon of Photography. A digital presentation taken from prints with commentary from Salon Member, Colin New. (D)
Tuesday 24th Members' Night Two of our members,Anne Turner and Keith Lord, entertain us. (P D)
Thursday 26th Council meeting - Greenhill Methodist Church, Small Hall

MARCH 2015

Tuesday 3rd Photography on a theme. Club members each show three images produced on the theme of People and Places. (D)
Thursday 5th Occasional Meeting on Demonstrating How To Mount Prints in the Small Hall at Greenhill Methodist Church. (Admission £3 members, £6 visitors).
Friday 6th Annual Exhibition Judge at Greenhill Methodist Church, 8pm for 8:15pm. Our annual exhibition judge, Dave Coates ARPS EFIAP/p APSA EPSA MPAGB APAGB and partner Sheila Coates LRPS EFIAP PPSA DPAGB, present their lecture Pictures All Around Us. (P)
Saturday 7th Judging of the Annual Exhibition at Greenhill Methodist Church Hall, 9:30am to 1pm followed by a pub lunch. (P)
Tuesday 10th Wigan 10 member and international exhibitor Kathryn Scorah MPAGB FBPE shows her innovative work in the lecture, Changing Perspectives.
Thursday 12th AV Group - Greenhill Methodist Curch, Small Hall
Saturday 14th Inter Club Digital Knockout Competition at St Luke's Church 7:15pm for 7:30pm. Invited clubs show their best digital images. Judged by Bob Dennis CPAGB APAGB AFIAP BPE3* from Merseyside. (D)
Tuesday 17th Derbyshire photographer Andy Parkinson shows us his Images of Wild Nature. (P)
Thursday 19th Occasional Meeting on Flash Photography in the Small Hall at Greenhill Methodist Church. (Admission £3 members, £6 visitors)
Tuesday 24th Leigh Preston FRPS MPAGB EFIAP presents "Is this it?", a wry look at Britain, its people and character. (D)
Handing-in night for members print competition round 4
Thursday 26th REARRANGED Occasional Meeting on Lightroom in the Small Hall at Greenhill Methodist Church. (Admission £3 members, £6 visitors).
Tuesday 31st Members' Competition Prints - Round 4. Judged by Gary Langley from Nottingham.

APRIL 2015

Thursday 2nd Council Meeting - Greenhill Methodist Church, Small Hall
Tuesday 7th E A S T E R  B R E A K
Thursday 9th AV Group - Greenhill Methodist Church, Small Hall
Tuesday 14th Professional naturalist and full time wildlife photographer Dr Mike Leach shows us his images gathered from around the world. (D)
Monday 20th to
Sunday 26th
Annual Exhibition at Sheffield Cathedral
Tuesday 21st An Evening with Barry Mead FRPS, EFIAP/p MPAGB, who shows us a mixture of his award winning images. (D)
Tuesday 28th Our President, Past President and President Elect show a selection of prints that were not selected for the annual exhibition. (P)

MAY 2015

Tuesday 6th Annual General Meeting. In addition to the formal business of the AGM, Society Awards will be presented this evening, including trophies and certificates for the winning entries in the Annual Exhibition and Club Competitions. We will also be able to see the year's successful prints.
Thursday 14th AV Group meeting - Greenhill Methodist Church, Small Hall
A programme of summer walks and other events will be arranged. Details will be on the society's web site.
All members welcome.